Senin, 10 November 2014


          University Gunadarma or abbreviated UG is one of the main university in the city of Depok prominent than the UI (University of Indonesia). By having several separate campuses including campus in Depok D situated on Jl. China Margonda cottage and the Depok campus E, H, G, Jl. Access Kelapa Dua, Depok, Depok outside as well as other campuses, the University makes well known citizens.  Depok is a city with a student population is fairly much, according to the daily Cash, recorded the number of students in Depok more than 70,000 people where most of them are students from outside Depok and Gunadarma status as a student.
By bagging the national ranking of 6th and all 741 by Webometrics in December 2012, and has 6 Studies Diploma (D3) Degree program and Strata 12 (S1), a reference that Gunadarma is the best university in Indonesia, even Gunadarma own claimed as a "World Class University." Not wanting to lose competitiveness with universities or campuses around it such as UI and BSI, Gunadarma also participated in helping the field of education in the city of Depok, among others, Try Out held regularly every year in high school or vocational school in Depok and scholarship program for outstanding students.
Gunadarma History
Indonesia is continually facing the wave of computerization, this happened to be the answer of a question about the needs of computer education for the nation. Hence, in August 7th 1981 a computer education program was launched by the name of Computer Science Education Program. This program provides not only a course deals with computer utilization but also a high education institution that deepen the knowledge of computer science. The proof showed an improvement, thus, a foundation of Mathematics Research Operation and System Analyst Development was formed to accommodate Computer Science Education Program that later turned out to be Indonesia Computer Science Academy. The road to perfection hadn’t stopped yet; the academy was raising level to a High School. For the intention, the school must have the same name as the Foundation’s that runs it.
Eventually by the date of August 14th 1984, Kopertis III consolidated the name Gunadarma Computer and Informatics Management High School (STMIK Gunadarma) along with the name of Gunadarma Education Foundation. The name of “Gunadarma” was chosen the inspirational thoughts of an architect that built one of “Seven World of wonder”, that is Borobudur Temple, by the era of Syailendra dynasty. More over, Gunadarma means also a sincere intention of dedication to the society through a high school. STMIK Gundarma was located in Jalan Salemba Raya 53, Jakarta. A year after the consolidation, Department of Education and Culture gave a status of “registered” (listed) to STMIK Gunadarma through a decree of Minister of Education and Culture number 0424/0/1985 for Diploma 3 and Strata 1 title, in October 5th 1985. The world of computer education that infects business world has proven to be interesting for public. The enthusiasm made the campus could not accommodate any longer until finally STMIK Gunadarma opened its new campus in Pondok Cina, Depok. More over, the quality of education was improved to accommodate public demands. This achievement brought STMIK Gunadarma into the status of “equated” (equalized) through the decree of Minister of Education and Culture number 0490/0/1989 in August 1989. The success doesn’t stop here; the foundation produced another high school named Gunadarma Economic High School (STIE Gunadarma) in January 13th 1990 with its main program is Economic Science divided into the majors of Management and Accounting emphasized in computer application. By the decree of General Director of DIKTI number 92/Kep/Dikti/1996 dated April 3rd 1996, these two high schools were merged into GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY. This merger was intended to create a huge basis to anticipate the future by producing professional, reliable successors in the basis of information technology for the nation facing the globalization.

Businness letter

1.                  Format Block (Block Format)
Format block pada business letter merupakan format surat bisnis yang paling sederhana atau simpel diantara ketiga format surat bisnis yang lain karena semuanya diletakkan pada bagian kiri surat. Contoh Surat Bisnis Format Block :
3519 Front Street

Mount Celebres, CA 65286 

October 5, 2004 

Ms. Betty Johnson

Accounts Payable

The Cooking Store

765 Berliner Plaza

Industrial Point, CA 68534 

Dear Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.

In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.

I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.



Bob Powers

Accounts Receivable

2.                  Modified Block Format
Pada Modified block format businses letter, letak penulisan alamat (address), tanggal (date), closing (penutup), tanda tangan (signature) dan nama (printed name) berada di bagian kanan surat. Contoh Surat Bisnis Format Modified Block:

3519 Front Street

Mount Celebres, CA 65286 
October 5, 2004 
Ms. Betty Johnson

Accounts Payable

The Cooking Store

765 Berliner Plaza

Industrial Point, CA 68534 

Dear Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.

In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.

I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555. 


Bob Powers


Accounts Receivable

3.                  Semi-Block (Indented) Format: Business Letter
Pada semi-block (indented) format business letter, format penulisannya hampir sama dengan Modified Block Format, tetapi pada bagian isi, paragraphnya dibuat menjorok ke dalam, sedangkan pada Modified Bock Format tidak. 
Contoh Surat Bisnis FormatSemi-Block:

(1) 3519 Front Street

Mount Celebres, CA 65286 
(2) October 5, 2004 
Ms. Betty Johnson (3)

Accounts Payable

The Cooking Store

765 Berliner Plaza

Industrial Point, CA 68534 
Dear Ms. Johnson: (4)
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months. 
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice. (5)
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555. 
Sincerely, (6)
Signature (7)
Bob Powers (8)

Accounts Receivable
Enclosures (7) (9)
Typist Initials. (10)

Berikut ini penjelasan dari nomer yang saya kurung berwarna merah diatas.

1.      Your Address (Alamat Penulis)
Ini adalah bagian alamat penulis. Penerima dapat lebih muda untuk menemukan alamt penulis jika mengirim surat balasan.
2    Date (Tanggal) 
Ini adalah bagian tanggal pembuatan surat. Sedangkan format penulisan tanggal adalah bulan/hari/tahun, misalkan August 30, 2012

3.   Inside Address (Alamat Tujuan)
Bagian ini berisi nama peneriam surat, jabayanya, dan nama perusahaannya disertai alamatnya. Jika kamu tidak yakin untuk siapa (nama) surat tersebut ditujuakn, jangan kosongkan, tetapi coba untuk menguanakan jabatannya, seperti “Director of Human Resources”. Beri jarak antara tanggal dengan penerima.

4. Salutation (Salam Pembuka)
Dalam bagian ini, istilah yang digunakan adalah “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. (nama terakhir peneriam)”, misalkan “Dear Mr. Fathoni”. Tetapi jika nama penerimanya tidak dikethui, tulis nama departementnya, misalkan “Dear Director of Department of Human Resource”. Beri jarak antara salam pembuka dengan isi.

5. Body (Isi Surat)
Isi surat merupakan tempat dimana kamu menuliskan hal yang ingin disampaikan. Paragraph di isi surat harus menggunakan spasi tunggal (single space) dan tanpa adanya jarak pemisah antara masing-masing paragrap. Beri jarak antara bagian akhir isi dengan penutup.

6. Closing (Penutup)
Bagian ini sebagai penanda bahwa surat anda telah selesai, biasanya diakhiri dengan penulisan “Sincerely”, “Sincerely yours”, “Thank you”, dan lain sebaginya. Catat, Terdapat sebuah koma di akhir penutup dan hanya huruf pertama yang menggunakan huruf kapital. Beri jarak 3-4 baris antara penutup dengan nama, yang nantinya diguankan untuk tempat tanda tangan.

7.  Signature (Tanda Tangan)

Bagian ini adalah tanda tangan penulis, biasanya mengunakan tinta warna hitam atu biru.

 8.   Printed Name (Nama Pengirim)
Bagian ini adalah nama penulis surat tersebut, dan jika anda menginginkan, anda bisa memberikan jabatan atau posisi dibagian bahwah setelah penulisan nama. Beri jarak antara penulisan nama dengan lampiran.

9. Enclosure (Lampiran)
Jika sebuah surat berisi dokument atau lampiran lain selain surat tersebut, penulis haru menampilakan jumlah lampiran tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan “Enclosure (jumah lampiran)”, misalkan “Enclosure (7)”.

10. Typist Initials (Inisial Penulis)
Jika seseorang selain kamu menulis surat yang kamu tulis, cantumkan inisial anda diikuti oleh inisial penulis tersebut dibagian bawah format, misalkan AG/gs.